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Uncover The Untold Story: Surprising Revelations About T.D. Jakes' Wife

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Td Jakes' wife is Serita Jakes, a renowned author, speaker, and entrepreneur.

As the First Lady of The Potter's House, Serita Jakes has played a pivotal role in the church's growth and ministry. She is known for her unwavering support of her husband, Bishop T.D. Jakes, and her dedication to empowering women and families.

Serita Jakes has authored several books, including "The Princess Within" and "Maximize Your Marriage," which have inspired and encouraged millions worldwide. She is also the founder of the Serita Jakes Ministries, which focuses on personal development, leadership, and spiritual growth.

Through her work, Serita Jakes has become a respected voice in the Christian community and beyond. She is an advocate for social justice, education, and women's rights. Her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact has earned her numerous awards and accolades.

T.D. Jakes' Wife

Serita Jakes, the wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes, is a multifaceted individual who plays a significant role in her husband's ministry and beyond. Here are 10 key aspects that explore various dimensions of her life and work:

  • Author: Serita Jakes has authored several books on personal development and spirituality.
  • Speaker: She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and events, inspiring audiences with her messages of hope and empowerment.
  • Entrepreneur: Serita Jakes is the founder of Serita Jakes Ministries, which focuses on empowering women and families.
  • Advocate: She is an advocate for social justice, education, and women's rights.
  • First Lady: As the First Lady of The Potter's House, Serita Jakes supports her husband's ministry and plays a key role in the church's growth.
  • Mentor: She mentors and supports women in leadership roles, helping them to develop their potential.
  • Wife: Serita Jakes is a devoted wife to Bishop T.D. Jakes, and they have been married for over 40 years.
  • Mother: She is the mother of five children, and she is actively involved in their lives.
  • Grandmother: Serita Jakes is a loving grandmother to her grandchildren.
  • Role Model: She is a role model for women around the world, demonstrating how to live a life of purpose and impact.

These key aspects highlight the diverse and impactful roles that Serita Jakes plays in her personal life, her ministry, and the wider community. She is a woman of faith, determination, and compassion, who is committed to making a positive difference in the world.

Name Serita Jakes
Birthdate March 5, 1955
Birthplace Beckley, West Virginia
Occupation Author, speaker, entrepreneur, advocate
Spouse Bishop T.D. Jakes
Children 5


As the wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes, Serita Jakes has played a significant role in the growth and ministry of The Potter's House. Her passion for empowering women and families extends beyond the church walls, as evidenced by her prolific writing career.

  • Inspirational Messages: Serita Jakes' books are filled with practical advice and spiritual insights designed to inspire and uplift readers. Her messages resonate with individuals seeking personal growth, relationship enrichment, and a deeper connection with God.
  • Real-Life Examples: Serita Jakes draws upon her own experiences as a wife, mother, and leader to provide relatable examples and anecdotes. Her vulnerability and authenticity make her teachings accessible and impactful.
  • Biblical Foundation: While Serita Jakes' books are not explicitly theological, they are deeply rooted in biblical principles. She skillfully weaves Scripture into her teachings, providing a solid foundation for spiritual growth.
  • Empowerment for Women: Many of Serita Jakes' books focus on empowering women to reach their full potential. She addresses issues such as self-esteem, relationships, and leadership, encouraging women to embrace their God-given purpose.

Serita Jakes' books have touched the lives of countless individuals around the world. Through her writing, she has become a trusted voice for those seeking guidance, encouragement, and inspiration. Her books serve as a testament to her commitment to making a positive impact through the power of words.


Serita Jakes, the wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes, is a highly respected speaker who has graced numerous conferences and events, captivating audiences with her messages of hope and empowerment. Her ability to connect with diverse groups of people and inspire them to reach their full potential is a testament to her exceptional communication skills and passion for uplifting others.

  • Empowering Women: Serita Jakes is particularly passionate about empowering women to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Her speeches often focus on issues such as self-esteem, relationships, and leadership, encouraging women to embrace their God-given potential.
  • Practical Advice: While her messages are grounded in biblical principles, Serita Jakes also provides practical advice and strategies that attendees can apply to their daily lives. Her speeches are filled with real-life examples and anecdotes, making her teachings relatable and actionable.
  • Inspiring Personal Growth: Serita Jakes' speeches are not only informative but also deeply inspiring. She challenges her audiences to reflect on their lives, set goals, and strive for personal growth. Her messages resonate with individuals seeking to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.
  • Encouraging Spiritual Connection: Ultimately, Serita Jakes' speeches aim to encourage a deeper connection with God. She believes that true empowerment comes from a strong spiritual foundation, and she often incorporates elements of prayer, meditation, and Scripture into her presentations.

Through her powerful speeches, Serita Jakes has become a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless individuals. Her ability to connect with audiences on a personal level and deliver messages that resonate deeply has made her a sought-after speaker around the world.


Serita Jakes' entrepreneurial endeavors are an extension of her dedication to empowering women and families, which is a core aspect of her role as "T.D. Jakes' wife." Through Serita Jakes Ministries, she has created a platform to reach and impact individuals on a global scale.

Serita Jakes Ministries offers a diverse range of programs and resources designed to meet the needs of women and families. These initiatives include conferences, workshops, leadership development programs, and online courses. Through these offerings, Serita Jakes provides practical tools, biblical principles, and mentorship to help women overcome challenges, achieve their goals, and live fulfilling lives.

The practical significance of understanding the connection between Serita Jakes' entrepreneurial pursuits and her role as "T.D. Jakes' wife" lies in recognizing the multiplier effect it creates. By empowering women and families, Serita Jakes is not only impacting individuals but also strengthening the foundation of society as a whole. Empowered women are better equipped to raise healthy and successful children, contribute to their communities, and break cycles of poverty and inequality.

In conclusion, Serita Jakes' entrepreneurial endeavors are an integral part of her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." Through Serita Jakes Ministries, she leverages her influence and resources to empower women and families, creating a ripple effect that benefits individuals, communities, and generations to come.


Serita Jakes, the wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes, is a passionate advocate for social justice, education, and women's rights. Her advocacy work is closely connected to her role as "T.D. Jakes' wife" in several significant ways:

  • Shared Values: As the wife of a prominent religious leader, Serita Jakes shares her husband's commitment to social justice and equality. Their shared values drive their advocacy efforts and provide a strong foundation for their work.
  • Platform and Influence: Serita Jakes' position as "T.D. Jakes' wife" provides her with a platform and influence that she leverages to amplify her advocacy messages. Her public statements, speeches, and social media presence allow her to reach a wide audience and raise awareness about important issues.
  • Community Engagement: The Potter's House, where Bishop T.D. Jakes serves as senior pastor, is a large and active church community. Serita Jakes is actively involved in the church's outreach programs, which provide support and resources to underserved communities. Through these initiatives, she directly engages with individuals and families in need.

The practical significance of understanding the connection between Serita Jakes' advocacy work and her role as "T.D. Jakes' wife" lies in recognizing the unique and impactful role she plays in promoting social change. Her advocacy efforts extend beyond individual actions and leverage the resources and influence of a large religious institution, allowing her to make a substantial impact on a broader scale.

In conclusion, Serita Jakes' advocacy work is an integral part of her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." She uses her platform and influence to raise awareness, promote social justice, and empower the marginalized. Her commitment to these causes is a reflection of her deep-seated values and her dedication to making a positive difference in the world.

First Lady

Serita Jakes' role as the First Lady of The Potter's House is an integral aspect of her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." As the wife of the senior pastor, she plays a pivotal role in supporting her husband's ministry and contributing to the church's growth and success.

One of the key ways in which Serita Jakes supports her husband's ministry is through her public appearances and speaking engagements. She frequently accompanies Bishop Jakes to conferences, events, and other gatherings, where she shares her insights and offers support. Her presence and participation in these events not only amplifies Bishop Jakes' message but also demonstrates their shared commitment to the church and its mission.

In addition to her public support, Serita Jakes is also actively involved in the church's behind-the-scenes operations. She is a key advisor to her husband and provides valuable input on various church matters, including outreach programs, community engagement, and pastoral care. Her involvement in these areas ensures that the church operates smoothly and effectively, allowing Bishop Jakes to focus on his preaching and teaching ministry.

Furthermore, Serita Jakes' role as the First Lady of The Potter's House provides her with a unique opportunity to connect with and inspire the congregation. She leads various initiatives and programs aimed at empowering women, strengthening families, and fostering spiritual growth. Through her personal interactions and leadership, she creates a welcoming and supportive environment that encourages members to grow in their faith and make a positive impact on their communities.

In conclusion, Serita Jakes' role as the First Lady of The Potter's House is an essential component of her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." Through her support of her husband's ministry, her involvement in church operations, and her personal connection with the congregation, she plays a vital role in the growth and success of The Potter's House.


Serita Jakes' role as a mentor and supporter of women in leadership is deeply connected to her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." As the wife of a prominent religious leader, she understands the importance of empowering women to reach their full potential and make a positive impact on the world.

One of the key ways in which Serita Jakes mentors women in leadership is through her involvement with the Potter's House Women's Ministry. As the director of this ministry, she leads a team of women who provide spiritual support, leadership development, and mentorship to women from all walks of life. Through workshops, conferences, and one-on-one mentoring sessions, Serita Jakes equips women with the tools and resources they need to succeed in their personal and professional lives.

In addition to her work with the Potter's House Women's Ministry, Serita Jakes is also a sought-after speaker and author on the topic of women's leadership. She frequently travels the world, sharing her insights and experiences with women who are seeking to grow in their leadership roles. Her messages are filled with practical advice, biblical principles, and personal stories that inspire and empower women to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

The practical significance of understanding the connection between Serita Jakes' mentoring work and her role as "T.D. Jakes' wife" lies in recognizing the multiplier effect it creates. By empowering women in leadership, Serita Jakes is not only impacting individuals but also strengthening the foundation of society as a whole. Empowered women are better equipped to lead their families, communities, and organizations, creating a ripple effect that benefits generations to come.

In conclusion, Serita Jakes' role as a mentor and supporter of women in leadership is an integral part of her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." Through her work with the Potter's House Women's Ministry, her speaking engagements, and her writing, she is empowering women to reach their full potential and make a positive impact on the world.


Serita Jakes' role as a devoted wife to Bishop T.D. Jakes is an essential aspect of her identity and is deeply intertwined with the broader context of "td jakes wife."

  • Partnership and Support: As a wife, Serita Jakes provides unwavering support to her husband in his ministry and endeavors. She is his confidante, advisor, and a source of strength, working alongside him to fulfill their shared vision.
  • Family Foundation: The marriage between Serita and T.D. Jakes serves as the bedrock of their family. Their long-standing union has created a stable and loving environment for their children and grandchildren, fostering a strong family bond.
  • Public Role: As the wife of a prominent religious leader, Serita Jakes assumes a public role, accompanying Bishop Jakes to events and gatherings. Her presence and demeanor reflect the values and mission of their ministry, inspiring others with their commitment and love.
  • Shared Values and Mission: Serita and T.D. Jakes share a deep connection rooted in their faith and commitment to serving others. Their alignment in values and purpose strengthens their bond and enables them to work together harmoniously towards their shared goals.

In conclusion, Serita Jakes' role as a wife underscores the significance of partnership, family, public representation, and shared values within the context of "td jakes wife." Her dedication to her husband and family is a testament to her character and the enduring power of their relationship.


The role of "Mother" is an integral aspect of Serita Jakes' identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." Her dedication to her children and family is a cornerstone of her life and contributes to the overall narrative of her identity.

As a mother, Serita Jakes has played a pivotal role in raising and nurturing her five children, instilling in them strong values and providing them with love and support. Her active involvement in their lives extends beyond the traditional role of a mother, as she has also been a mentor, guide, and friend to her children.

The practical significance of understanding Serita Jakes' role as a mother lies in recognizing the positive impact she has had on her children's lives and the broader community. Her dedication to their well-being has fostered a strong family unit, which in turn has contributed to the success and happiness of her children. Moreover, her example as a loving and supportive mother serves as an inspiration to other women, showcasing the importance of prioritizing family and nurturing the next generation.

In conclusion, Serita Jakes' role as a mother is an essential component of her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." Her love, dedication, and active involvement in her children's lives have shaped her family and left a lasting impact on her children and the broader community.


The role of "Grandmother" holds a special significance within the identity of "T.D. Jakes' wife," highlighting Serita Jakes' dedication to family and her nurturing nature.

As a grandmother, Serita Jakes cherishes the opportunity to love and guide her grandchildren, creating lasting memories and imparting valuable lessons. Her presence in their lives provides a sense of stability, warmth, and unconditional acceptance, contributing to their emotional and social development.

The practical significance of understanding Serita Jakes' role as a grandmother lies in recognizing the positive impact she has on her grandchildren's lives and the broader family dynamic. Her love and support create a foundation for their well-being and happiness, fostering a strong sense of family unity. Moreover, her wisdom and experience serve as a valuable resource for her children as they navigate the challenges of parenthood.

In conclusion, Serita Jakes' role as a grandmother is an integral part of her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." Her love, dedication, and nurturing nature have a profound impact on her grandchildren and the entire family, contributing to a harmonious and fulfilling family life.

Role Model

The role of Serita Jakes as a role model for women around the world is deeply intertwined with her identity as "T.D. Jakes' wife." Her journey, values, and accomplishments serve as an inspiration to countless women, showcasing the power of faith, resilience, and service.

  • Embracing Authenticity: Serita Jakes encourages women to embrace their true selves, fostering a sense of self-acceptance and empowerment. She shares her personal experiences and challenges, demonstrating that vulnerability and authenticity are strengths that can lead to growth.
  • Pursuing Purpose: As a woman of faith, Serita Jakes believes that every woman has a unique purpose to fulfill. She inspires women to discover their passions, develop their talents, and make a meaningful contribution to the world.
  • Balancing Roles: Serita Jakes masterfully balances her roles as a wife, mother, grandmother, author, and entrepreneur. She demonstrates the importance of setting priorities, maintaining a strong support system, and seeking fulfillment in all aspects of life.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Throughout her life, Serita Jakes has faced and overcome numerous challenges. Her resilience and unwavering faith serve as a beacon of hope for women navigating difficult times, reminding them that adversity can be a catalyst for personal growth.

In conclusion, Serita Jakes' role as a role model for women around the world is a testament to her dedication to empowering and inspiring others. Her authenticity, pursuit of purpose, ability to balance roles, and resilience make her a beacon of hope and a powerful example of how to live a life of purpose and impact.

FAQs about "T.D. Jakes' Wife"

This section addresses frequently asked questions and misconceptions surrounding "T.D. Jakes' wife," providing informative answers to enhance understanding.

Question 1: Who is T.D. Jakes' wife?

T.D. Jakes' wife is Serita Jakes, an accomplished author, speaker, and entrepreneur. She is also the First Lady of The Potter's House, a megachurch in Dallas, Texas.

Question 2: What is Serita Jakes' role in her husband's ministry?

Serita Jakes is a pillar of support for her husband's ministry. She provides spiritual, emotional, and practical assistance, contributing to the growth and success of The Potter's House.

Question 3: Is Serita Jakes involved in any other endeavors?

Yes, Serita Jakes is actively involved in various pursuits beyond her role as First Lady. She is the founder of Serita Jakes Ministries, an organization dedicated to empowering women and families. She is also an author of several books and a sought-after speaker at conferences and events.

Question 4: What are Serita Jakes' personal values and beliefs?

Serita Jakes is a woman of deep faith and strong character. She believes in the power of prayer, the importance of family, and the need to make a positive impact on the world.

Question 5: How does Serita Jakes balance her personal and professional life?

Serita Jakes prioritizes her family while maintaining a successful career. She credits her strong support system, effective time management skills, and unwavering faith for helping her achieve this balance.

Question 6: What is Serita Jakes' legacy?

Serita Jakes' legacy lies in her dedication to empowering women, strengthening families, and serving her community. She is an inspiration to countless individuals, demonstrating the transformative power of faith, resilience, and service.

Summary: Serita Jakes, the wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes, is a multifaceted woman who plays a vital role in her husband's ministry and beyond. She is a source of support, a pillar of strength, and an inspiration to women around the world.

Transition: To learn more about Serita Jakes and her contributions, explore the following sections:

Tips from Serita Jakes

Serita Jakes, the wife of Bishop T.D. Jakes, is a renowned author, speaker, and entrepreneur. Her multifaceted experiences and wisdom offer valuable insights for personal growth and well-being.

Tip 1: Embrace Authenticity

Serita Jakes encourages individuals to embrace their true selves, recognizing that vulnerability and authenticity are strengths. By shedding facades and societal expectations, we can live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Tip 2: Discover Your Purpose

According to Serita Jakes, each person has a unique purpose to fulfill. She advises seeking guidance through prayer, introspection, and exploring passions to uncover this purpose and align actions with it.

Tip 3: Nurture Relationships

Strong relationships are crucial for overall well-being. Serita Jakes emphasizes the importance of investing time and effort in building and maintaining meaningful connections with family, friends, and loved ones.

Tip 4: Practice Self-Care

Self-care is essential for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health. Serita Jakes reminds us to prioritize activities that nourish our well-being, such as exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep.

Tip 5: Overcome Challenges with Resilience

Life's challenges are inevitable, but Serita Jakes encourages us to face them with resilience. By developing a positive mindset, seeking support, and learning from setbacks, we can overcome obstacles and grow stronger.

Summary: Serita Jakes' tips provide a roadmap for personal growth and fulfillment. By embracing authenticity, discovering our purpose, nurturing relationships, practicing self-care, and cultivating resilience, we can navigate life's complexities and live more meaningful and satisfying lives.

Transition: To further explore the wisdom and insights of Serita Jakes, continue reading the following sections:


The exploration of "T.D. Jakes' wife" has unveiled a multifaceted individual whose life and work have left an indelible mark on the world. Serita Jakes, an accomplished author, speaker, and entrepreneur, embodies the epitome of a supportive partner, a dedicated mother and grandmother, and a role model for women globally.

Through her unwavering commitment to empowering women, strengthening families, and serving her community, Serita Jakes has established a legacy that transcends her association with her husband's ministry. Her journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith, resilience, and compassionate service. Her wisdom, insights, and unwavering dedication continue to inspire countless individuals to embrace their potential and strive for a life of purpose and impact.

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Pin on Couples that make love seem light....
T.D. Jakes, Wife And Family Reflect On Love On Anniversary Ambo TV
T.D. Jakes, Wife And Family Reflect On Love On Anniversary Ambo TV